EACTS Arrhythmia Course

This EACTS Arrhythmia Course will run from 20-21 June 2024 in Warsaw, Poland. The 2 day programme will consist of interactive lectures, live-in-a-box videos and live surgical cases.
  • 20 – 21 Jun 2024
  • Warsaw, Poland
  • In Person

Event Information

  • Date/Duration

    20-21 June 2024 (2 day course)

  • Location

    National Medical Institute of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration
    Woloska Str. 137
    02-507 Warsaw
    See HERE for more information

  • Course Directors

    Course Directors
    P Suwalski, Warsaw; T Hanke, Hamburg

    Course Co-Director
    S Stec, Warsaw

    Local Course Director

    M Kowalewski, Warsaw

  • Course Format

    In-person meeting
    Interactive lectures
    Live surgical cases
    Live-in-a-box cases

  • Course Fee

    Members: €525 inclusive of VAT
    Non-Members: €625 inclusive of VAT
    Local Polish Attendees*: €325 inclusive of VAT
    *For this special reduced fee, please email registration@eacts.co.uk

    Fee includes lunch and refreshments.

  • Target Audience

    Skills Level 2 – Residents in the final years of training and surgeons at the beginning of independent practice.
    Cardiac surgeons, cardiologists, electrophysiologists, arrhythmologists, and allied health professionals.

  • Accreditation

    This course is Ethical MedTech compliant, full details can be found here.

    The EACTS Arrhythmia Course, Warsaw, Poland 20/06/2024 – 21/06/2024, has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 14.0 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.

    EACTS Academy terms and conditions

Course Overview

This EACTS Arrhythmia Course will provide an interdisciplinary and comprehensive overview on the hybrid management of complex arrhythmias including atrial fibrillation and ventricular arrhythmias. Several hybrid procedures and approaches will be presented by experts and Electrophysiology-Heart-Teams for wide spectrum of atrial fibrillation, transvenous lead extraction and management of complex cases and complications.

Special sessions will be provided for cardiac sympathetic denervation and SN sparing ablation procedure and live surgical cases and live-in-a-box cases will lead to moderated discussions on all aspects of modern hybrid technologies and approaches.

Learning Objectives

Through participation in this course you will learn both basic as well as more advanced concepts of current arrhythmia treatment; these will include different approaches to atrial fibrillation- and non-AF arrhythmias treatment. We have prepared live-in-a box cases supported by detailed electrophysiology and echo studies to promote hybrid approaches to complex arrhythmias management. Fully interactive live cases will offer the unique opportunity to take part in hybrid anti-arrhythmic procedures. Finally, world renowned experts from the field of electrophysiology and arrhythmia surgery will be there for you to answer all the questions should they arise during this very intensive and informative course.

Course programme

Programme and faculty subject to change.

Faculty marked with * will present remotely.