
Professor Hendrik Treede and the New Technology Task Force have been busy shaping Techno-College into our new format.
The new three-day format provides the opportunity of including Techno-College across all three days, and to offer participants a single fee.
Techno-College will present a three hour session each day, and will once again feature live case transmissions, live-in-a-box recordings and outward looking invited presentations.
Thursday’s session will be on how new technology can be integrated in your common practice. On Friday we will examine the Heart Team and interventional therapies and on Saturday we will focus on emerging technologies including heart failure, aortic disease and even cardioplegia strategies.
The format of our successful Techno-College Innovation Award has also changed with the Award finalists presenting their innovations in ‘The Lion’s Den’ to both the audience and a dedicated group of jurors including surgeons, cardiologists, company CEOs and venture capitalists. SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION NOW! – deadline 17 September 2018.