MMCTS Residents' Tutorial Competition

The European Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery (EACTS) and the Thoracic Surgery Residents Association (TSRA) are pleased to announce the launch of their new annual MMCTS Residents’ Tutorial Competition. The competition will recognize the best core skills video tutorial and will reward technical quality, surgical skills, and educational clarity.
Tutorials submitted to the competition will be eligible for publication in MMCTS (the Multimedia Manual of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery).
The aim of this new EACTS/TSRA initiative is to encourage residents to actively participate in the enduring shared mission of EACTS and the TSRA to advance education in the field of cardiac, thoracic, and vascular interventions.
The deadline for entry into this year’s competition is July 31st.
For full competition details, entry requirements, and entry form, please visit MMCTS or contact Cori Mackin, Managing Editor, MMCTS.