19 Jun 2023

EACTS Council Nominations 2023

The Council is the governing, decision-making body of EACTS.
2023 Featured News

The Council is the governing, decision-making body of EACTS. The Council is made up of up to 15 members who each serve for set terms, in different capacities, acting at all times in the best interests of the Association, our members and ultimately the patients that we serve.

Each Councillor will serve a set term (normally of up to three years) and each year a number of new Councillors are appointed as the terms of current Councillors come to an end. Councillors to be appointed must complete a process of Nomination (detailed below), selection and eventually, ‘election’ by the members at the General Assembly in October 2023.

Vacant Council Positions 2023

This year the following positions on Council are to be filled.  A job description for each position is available by clicking on the title;

Vice President
The Vice President will be elected in October 2023 with a view to becoming President in October 2024 and serving a final year on Council as Immediate Past President from October 2025.

The position of Treasurer is vacant on the Council from October 2023 until 2026. EACTS is seeking an EACTS member to fulfil this role who has skills in financial strategy and management, knowledge in accounting and investment, and the availability to commit 8-10 days a year for meetings and attend the EACTS Annual Meetings each year during the three-year term. Due to the nature of this role, a separate finance panel will interview candidates and make a recommendation to the Nominations Committee.

Domain Chair-elect Positions 2023
The position of Domain Chair-elect is nominated and selected (but not elected to Council) up to one year before the incumbent Domain Chair steps down. The Chair-elect will serve on the domain and shadow all the current Chair’s activities including Council activities; they will not attend nor vote on Council itself (other than, in exceptional circumstances, to represent the Domain on Council in the absence of the Domain Chair. In this circumstance, they will not vote). The Nominations Committee will select the Chair-elect positions through the normal nomination and selection process; however, the General Assembly will be invited to vote on the appointment, in the year that the Domain Chair-elect is elevated to the office of Domain Chair (ie, one year following selection).

The Process of Nomination and Selection

Nomination Process
To ensure a fair and transparent process, the EACTS Nominations Committee will oversee the nomination and selection process. This year, the Nominations Committee is made up as follows:

Senior Past President: Peter Licht (Chairman)
Past President: Mark Hazekamp
Immediate Past President: Friedhelm Beyersdorf
President: Patrick Perier
Secretary General: Patrick Myers

Any EACTS member can nominate a fellow member for a specified role on Council (there is no limit to the number of nominations a member can make). For avoidance of doubt, current Councillors, Domain and Task Force members may nominate, but members of the Nominations Committee may not.

In making a nomination, the person making the nomination must write a letter of support that includes:

  • A summary of the contribution that the person being nominated has made to his/her professional field
  • The contribution made to the work of EACTS more broadly by the person being nominated
  • The skills and experiences the person being nominated will bring to Council and the specific role under consideration.

The person making the nomination should, after having received confirmation of the willingness of the nominee to stand for election, send a digital form of this letter, with a brief Curriculum Vitae of the person being nominated, to the Chair of the Nominations Committee via the dedicated EACTS email address nominations@eacts.co.uk

Nominations open on Saturday 1 July 2023.

The closing date for Nominations is 6pm (CEST) Friday 4 August 2023.

The Nominations Committee will consider all applications before making a recommendation to the EACTS Council.  Council will make the final decision as to those to be formally presented for election at the EACTS General Assembly on 6 October 2023 (Vienna).