The Council is made up of up to 15 members who each serve for set terms, in different capacities, acting at all times in the best interests of the Association, our members and ultimately the patients that we serve. Council meets at least four times a year and some members of Council may also serve other Committees or Domains that meet more frequently.
Each Councillor will serve a set term (normally of up to three years) and each year a number of new Councillors are appointed as the terms of current Councillors come to an end. Councillors to be appointed must complete a process of Nomination (detailed below), selection and eventually, ‘election’ by the members at the General Assembly in October 2021.
Vacant Council Positions 2021
This year the following positions* on Council are to be filled. A job description for each position is available by clicking on the title;
Congenital Disease Domain Chair
The Process of Nomination and Selection
To ensure as fair and transparent a process as possible, EACTS Regulations (part of our governing document) stipulate that a Nominations Committee be established to oversee the Nomination and Selection process. This year, the Committee is made up as follows;
- Senior Past President; Marian Zembala (Chairman)
- Past President: Ruggero De Paulis
- Immediate Past President: Peter Licht
- President: Mark Hazekamp
- Secretary General: Rafa Sádaba
Any EACTS member can nominate a fellow member for a specified role on Council (there is no limit to the number of nominations a member can make). For avoidance of doubt, current Councillors, Domain and Task Force members may nominate, but members of the Nominations Committee may not.
In making a nomination, the person making the nomination must write a letter of support that includes;
- a summary of the contribution that the person being nominated has made to his/her professional field,
- the contribution made to the work of EACTS more broadly by the person being nominated, and
- the skills and experiences the person being nominated will bring to Council and the specific role under consideration.
The person making the nomination should send a digital form of this letter, with a brief Curriculum Vitae of the person being nominated, to the Chair of the Nominations Committee via the dedicated EACTS e-mail address nominations@eacts.co.uk
The closing date for Nominations is 6pm (CET) Friday 6 August 2021.
The Nominations Committee will consider all applications before making a recommendation to the EACTS Council. Council will make the final decision as to those to be formally presented for election at the EACTS General Assembly on 15 October 2021 (Barcelona). Those who have nominated candidates will be informed of the outcome of this decision before 15 October and those members to be nominated will also be contacted before the General Assembly voting process.
Secretary General
It is most likely that interviews will be held for nominees short-listed by the Nominations Committee for the Secretary General role. These interviews will take place, via Zoom, between 30 August and 10 September 2021.
The member elected to the role of Secretary General will spend one year shadowing the current Secretary General before taking up the post of Secretary General in October 2022. The Secretary General term is for three years (beginning October 2022), renewable for up to a further two terms of three years (10 years in total).
Vice President
The Vice President will be elected in October 2021 with a view to becoming President in October 2022 and serving a final year on Council as Immediate Past President from October 2023.
*In October 2021, two other Councillor positions will also stand for election; the Honorary Treasurer and the Councillor at large (International Representative). In June 2021, Council co-opted Mr Mark Whiteling to the role of Honorary Treasurer and Mark will stand for election in October 2021. Councillor at large (International Representative) is a role filled through invitation, by Council, to a representative of a sister Association (usually STS). Therefore, nominations will not be considered for these two roles.