Robert Gil
Professor Robert Julian Gil, MD, Ph.D. (since 2000 the Fellow of European Society of Cardiology), a graduate of the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin (September 1984) has been employed since November 2001 in Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration (since January 2023 National Medical Institute of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration in Warsaw. Currently (since June 2022) as the head of the Cardiology Department created as a result of the merger of two previously operating cardiological clinics.
In 1997-2004 he was the Chair of the Invasive Cardiology Section (Working Group) of the Polish Cardiac Society, and a member of its Board (as a past president) for the next 3 years. He served as the member of the Polish Cardiac Society Board for two cadencies (2015-2019). In the elections in 2021, he was appointed president-elect of the Polish Cardiac Society (up September 2023). In October 2023 he took over as President of Polish Cardiac Society.
His scientific achievements include: over 260 publications in peer-reviewed journals (total IF above 600), co-authorship of over 30 chapters of books on interventional cardiology and more than 300 convention reports presented at prestigious international conventions on clinical electrophysiology and invasive cardiology.
He initiated annual National Workshops on Interventional Cardiology, currently called Warsaw Course on Cardiovascular Interventions ( Their 28th edition was held in April 2024.
He is a member of Editorial Boards of most prestigious cardiological journals as: Polish Heart Journal, Cardiology Journal, Advances in Interventional Cardiology.
Since 2001 he has been regularly invited to actively participate (Faculty member) in such prestigious Congresses and Workshops of Interventional Cardiology as: EuroPCR, TCT, TCT Russia, ICI in Tel Aviv, CBS in Nanjing, European Bifurcation Club meetings and many national congresses.