Omer Dzemali
Omer Dzemali completed his medical degree in 2000 at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany. He completed his residency training in cardiovascular and thoracic surgery 2006 at the Wolfgang Goethe University hospital in Frankfurt/Main, Germany. After finishing his training, he obtained his venia legend for cardiac surgery and functions as lecturer at the University of Frankfurt/Main ever since. In 2009, he moved to Zurich, Switzerland as deputy chief of cardiac surgery and focus on minimally invasive mitral valve repair and root sparing aortic valve repair. Since 2014 Omer Dzemali holds an extraordinary professorship at the Faculty of Medicine in Skopje and Tetova, Macedonia and was appointed Doctor honoris causa in 2016 at the University of Tetova, Macedonia. He is currently Head of the Department of Cardiac Surgery at the City Hospital Zurich Triemli, Switzerland and from 1st of December 2022 he will additionally be Clinic Director of the Department of Cardiac Surgery at the University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland as part of the Zurich Alliance. His areas of interest are minimally invasive surgery, especially complex mitral valve surgery and reconstructive aortic valve surgery, OPCAB surgery and complex aortic surgery.