Adrian Crucean
Adrian Crucean is a Specialty Doctor in Congenital Heart Surgery at Birmingham Children’s and Queen Elizabeth Hospitals. He is an honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Birmingham. He graduated and trained in Romania, and then in Italy where he obtained a Masters degree in Paediatric Cardiac Surgery and PhD in Foetal Cardiac Surgery awarded by the University of Sant’Anna, Pisa. His professional path took him to Great Ormond Street Hospital in London and to Glenfield Hospital in Leicester. He spent time in clinical research with Professor EH Blackstone at The Cleveland Clinic, Ohio. A long time interest in cardiac morphology came to fruition when he became a curator of the historical cardiac archive at Birmingham Children’s Hospital under the guidance of Professor RH Anderson and Mr WJ Brawn. His clinical and surgical experience enables him to bring new insights into the fascinating world of congenitally malformed hearts.