The Aortic Forum
- 18 – 20 Jun 2025
- Prague, Czech Republic
- In Person
Event Information
18-20 June 2025 (2.5 days)
- Location
Prague, Czech Republic
See HERE for more information- Aortic Forum Taskforce Chair
R de Paulis, Rome
- Local Chairmen
J Vojáček, Hradec Králove; I Netuka, Prague
- Forum Format
In-person meeting
Interactive lectures
Live surgical cases
Keynote presentations
Live-in-a-box videos
Abstract presentations- Forum Fee
Members: €645
Non-Members: €745
Residents: €375- Aortic Forum Scholarship
If you would like to apply for a scholarship to attend the Aortic Forum please click here.
Please note, applications are only open to residents and you must be an EACTS member.
- Target Audience
All cardiac and vascular surgeons, cardiologists, radiologists and anaesthetists are invited to come together and broaden their competence and enjoy learning new skills in the field of major aortic surgery.
- Abstract Submission
Abstract submissions are now open.
Please click HERE for more information.
Closing date: 11 April 2025EACTS Academy terms and conditions.
Forum overview
The comprehensive programme includes live surgery broadcasts with commentary from the most renowned experts in their respective field, interactive lectures and lively debates.
With a focus on the current controversies for the best treatment of each individual aortic pathology, sessions include a special focus on the latest advances in aortic valve repair and in the Ross operation. Pathology of the ascending aorta and arch, whether in its acute or chronic forms, will be presented and discussed according to the different treatment options by means of novel surgical, or transcatheter devices. The treatment of thoraco-abdominal pathologies will be focused on, the latest solution for transcatheter approach and novel possibilities of minimising the surgical trauma.
Aortic Forum Taskforce
R de Paulis; I Netuka; J Vojacek; J Bavaria; F Casselman; M Czerny; L de Kerchove; G El Khoury; T Holubec; K Kim; T MacGillivray; P Myers; A Oo; D Pacini; S Ronchey; R Sádaba; HJ Schäfers; F Schoenhoff; M Shrestha
Forum programme
13:00 Introduction
R De Paulis, Rome13:15 Session 1: Aortic valve repair Moderators: F Casselman, Aalst; I Netuka, Prague Critical comparison and limitation of VSARR
R de Paulis, RomeWhat residual AR can we tolerate and when to reclamp?
I Rudez, ZagrebEssential technique and difficult lesions including videos: – Deep aortic root dissection for VSRR or Ross procedure
J Vojacek, Hradec Kralove– Repair of tricuspid aortic valve
M Jahangiri, London– Repair of asymmetric BAV
L de Kerchove, Brussels– Repair of very asymmetric BAV
E Lansac, Paris– How to deal with cusp fenestrations
H J Schäfers, KaiserslauternLive surgery 1: Minimally invasive VSARR – David procedure
T Holubec, Frankfurt15:30 Break 16:00 Session 2 – The Ross procedure Moderators: L de Kerchove, Brussels; K Kim, Austin Survival and the quality of life after Ross procedure: Do we have enough evidence?
I El-Hamamsy, New YorkHow to implement the Ross procedure into routine practice
M Ouzounian, TorontoHarvesting and alternatives to pulmonary homograft in the Ross procedure
H J Schäfers, KaiserslauternNeonatal Ross procedure – strategies and outcomes
To be announcedLive-in-a-box videos: The Ross procedure: Different surgical options – How I do the Ross operation: Freestanding root
J Vojacek, Hradec Kralove– How I do the Ross operation: Inclusion into the Dacron graft
G El Khoury, Brussels– How I do the Ross operation: Inclusion into the PEARS
P Fila, BrnoAbstracts 17:30 Close 08:30 Session 3: Special situations in aortic root surgery – Video session Moderators: M Ouzounian, Toronto; G El Khoury, Brussels Valve sparing aortic root replacement in acute aortic dissection
M Borger, LeipzigMinimally invasive aortic valve-sparing and repair
T Holubec, FrankfurtPEARS in aortic root surgery
F Rega, LeuvenAortic valve repair using internal geometric ring annuloplasty
M Jasinski, WroclawVSARR in South America
C Villa, BogotáAortic annulus/root enlargement
B Yang, Ann ArborAbstract Live surgery 2: Ross procedure
J Vojacek, Hradec Kralove; I Netuka, Prague10:40 Break 11:10 Session 4: Solving problems in aortic dissection Moderators: D Pacini, Bologna; K-H Park, Seongnam Aortic dissection – my top 5 recommendations in the EACTS/STS 2023 guidelines and how they change practice
F Schoenhoff, BernHow to cannulate for type A dissection with malperfusion
A Martens, OldenburgDebate: Visceral malperfusion strategy – Endovascular repair first
K Tsagakis, Cologne– Proximal open first
K Minatoya, Kyoto– Discussion and rebuttal Abstracts Live surgery 3: Beating heart FET for chronic dissection 13:10 Lunch 14:10 Session 5: Controversies and solutions in acute type A dissection Moderators: J Bavaria, Philadelphia; A Lopez-Marco, London Root preservation, Bentall or VSARR – scoop and run or stay and play?
L Di Marco, BolognaAbstract Debate: Type A in the Arch: Too many devices, which option for which patient? – Do a FET and be done forever
M Shrestha, Rochester– AMDS – poor man’s total arch replacement?
J Kempfert, Berlin– Open zone 2 and TEVAR – best of both worlds?
N Desai, Philadelphia– Why do a sternotomy? Endovascular arch repair in type A (video)
J Bavaria, Philadelphia– Discussion and rebuttal 15:25 Break 15:55 Session 6: Dealing with the arch Moderators: R Sádaba, Pamplona; F Schoenhoff, Bern Debate: “Ideal temperature for the arch surgery” Normothermia vs deep hypothermia – Normothermia
M Di Eusanio, Ancona– Deep hypothermia with SACP
M Grabenwöger, Vienna– Discussion and rebuttal ‘Branch first concepts’: Various techniques and outcomes
A Oo, LondonTechniques to simplify the supra-aortic vessel anastomoses in total aortic arch surgery
M Shrestha, RochesterAbstracts 16:55 Close 08:30 Session 7: Arch session II Moderators: M Czerny, Freiburg Honorary lecture – Elephant trunk to frozen elephant trunk technique: Tribute to Hans Borst
A Haverich, HannoverSex differences in thoracic aortic disease (aneurysms and dissections)
To be announcedAortic arch replacement in Asian populations
K H Park, SeongnamHow to treat FET graft infection
K Tsagakis, CologneArtificial intelligence in cardiovascular medicine
To be announcedAbstracts Live Surgery 4: Endovascular – Step by step arch replacement 10:45 Break 11:15 Session 8: Transcatheter aortic arch treatment – the exceptional portfolio of options Moderators: S Ronchey, Rome; M Lescan, Freiburg The branched total arch approach
L Bertoglio, BresciaThe fenestrated total arch approach
To be announcedThe physician modified endograft approach (PMEG)
L Canaud, MontpellierSingle or duo endo arch repair
R Heijmen, NijmegenSingle branch endovascular arch: Multicentre trial
J Bavaria, PhiladelphiaAbstract 12:15 Lunch 13:15 Session 9: Transcatheter treatment of thoracoabdominal aortic pathology – from alternative to routine Moderators: M Czerny, Freiburg; L Bertoglio, Brescia Neuroprotection and monitoring in complex thoracoabdominal endovascular repair
To be announcedfEVAR for complex TA pathology- what is there and how to choose among the options
S Fernandez, PamplonabEVAR for complex TA pathology- doing the right things in the right patients
M Lescan, FreiburgGraft degeneration research- the messages have to be heard
N Chakfe, StrasbourgDebate: Treatment of TAAA in HTAD patients – Open TAAA is more durable!
M Ouzounian, Toronto– Endo TAAA is much safer!
G Piffaretti, Varese– Discussion and rebuttal 14:25 Break 14:55 Session 10: The unseen struggles: Aortic surgery failures exposed Open TAAA
M Czerny, FreiburgOpen Arch
A Martens, OldenburgValve sparing
R de Paulis, RomeEndo Arch
M Lescan, FreiburgDissection I
M Grabenwöger, ViennaDissection II
To be announcedRoss
J Vojacek, Hradec Kralove15:55 Closing remarks and awards 16:15 Close Programme and faculty subject to change.
Joseph Bavaria
TreasurerFilip Casselman
Acquired Cardiac Disease Domain ChairPatrick Myers
Secretary GeneralRafael Sádaba
Vice PresidentFlorian Schoenhoff
Vascular Domain Chair - Location