Martin Andreas
Martin Andreas graduated at the Medical University of Vienna in 2006 and received an MBA in 2010, a PhD in vascular biology in 2013, his board license for cardiac surgery in 2014, and absolved the MEBCTS and the board license for vascular surgery in 2018. He was appointed Associate Professor in 2017 and Professor in Cardiovascular Medicine in 2023. He is Managing Senior Physician at the Department of Cardiac Surgery at the Medical University of Vienna. He specialized on heart valve procedures, ranging from the Ross procedure, decellularized aortic homografts to total endoscopic aortic valve replacement and mitral valve repair. He received the EACTS aortic valve fellowship (Prof. Lansac, Prof. DePaulis) and the AATS Advanced Heart Valve Fellowship (Prof. Adams). Furthermore, he was trained for hybrid procedures like TAVI, MitraClip and Tendyne at the University Hospital Zurich (Prof. Maisano). In 2023 he received long-term funding for basic research as the head of the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Microinvasive Heart Surgery.