Michele De Bonis
Michele De Bonis is Associate Professor of Cardiac Surgery, Chief of Cardiac Surgery-Innovation and Research and Director of the Postgraduate School in Cardiac Surgery at “Vita-Salute” San Raffaele University and Hospital, Milan, Italy. After his MD degree, he obtained the “Full registration” at the General Medical Council (UK) and the USMLE Certification (USA). As a postgraduate Fellow he attended several Cardiac Surgery Departments in Belgium and Germany (OLV, Brugmann University, German Heart Institute). He completed his full training in cardiac surgery both in Rome and at St. George’s Hospital (London). Since the year 2000 he has been working at San Raffaele University Hospital as Head of “Heart failure and Mechanical Circulatory Support” before reaching a Director position. He has been Visiting Professor at Plymouth NHS Trust (UK) and at the Cape Town University, South Africa. He is the Chairman of the Task Force on mitral and tricuspid surgery of the EACTS Adult Domain. He has been Chairman of the ESC Working-Group on Cardiovascular Surgery and he is currently member of the ESC Council on Valvular Heart Disease, “European Liaison” of the AHA Council on Cardiovascular Surgery and “Core Leader” of the Mitral Valvular Research Network of the Heart Valve Society. He is a Fellow of ESC (FESC) and AHA (FAHA). He is the inventor of an original trans-catheter device for the percutaneous treatment of tricuspid regurgitation (Star-Tric, patent 102017000052909). He has a major interest in postgraduate education at the EACTS Academy and he has been a TF member of the ESC EACTS Guidelines on Valvular Heart Disease, Endocarditis, Cardiovascular Diseases in Pregnancy and of the ESC Committee for “Raising Awareness on Mitral Regurgitation”. He is member of the EACTS, ESC, AHA, Italian Society of Cardiac Surgery and Heart Valve Society. He is Associate Editor of the International Journal of Cardiology and member of the Editorial board of several international journals.