Streamlined Submission Requirements in EJCTS, JTCVS, and The Annals

To provide a simplified experience for our authors as they submit, we have harmonized our submission requirements for full-length original research articles. The newly aligned standards are listed below.
- 4,500 word count maximum (this includes all elements of the manuscript)
- Maximum combined limit of 7 figures and tables
- 40 reference maximum
- Strict adherence to the AMA Manual of Style for citations
- No limit to the number of videos an author can submit
These changes are intended to reduce confusion and save time for our busy authors. These unified requirements will make it easier to resubmit to a different journal, if needed. Additionally, strict adherence to AMA style will make it easier for our authors to use reference management tools such as EndNote, Zotero, and Mendeley.
We are confident that this congruency will simplify the user experience when submitting to EJCTS, JTCVS, and The Annals,.
Joanna Chikwe, MD, Editor-in-Chief, STS Journals
G. Alexander Patterson, MD, Editor-in-Chief, AATS Journals
Matthias Siepe, MD, EACTS Editor-in-Chief