Artificial Intelligence (AI) in cardiothoracic surgery
In this episode, our hosts Can Gollmann-Tepeköylü and Miia L Lehtinen discuss the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within cardiothoracic surgery (CTS) with Sandy Engelhardt, Simo Syrjälä and Volkmar Falk. From whether there is a clinical need for AI, to the role of AI in the future of CTS, and its potential pitfalls. Join us in the latest episode to find out more.

Guest speakers:

Sandy Engelhardt, PhD is an Assistant Professor and leads the Group Artificial Intelligence in Cardiovascular Medicine at Heidelberg University Hospital. The main research goal of her group is to leverage AI in image processing for precision medicine and to support surgeons with computer-assisted tools. Her dissertation won the BVM-Award 2017 for the best PhD thesis on the German Image Processing Community.

Simo Syrjälä received his MD from University of Helsinki in 2011 and finished his PhD in transplantation immunology in 2015. He has continued a clinical and scientific career currently working as a consultant in cardiac surgery in Helsinki University Hospital. His research interests include transplantation, mechanical circulatory support, and the use of AI applications in surgical complication detection.

Prof. Volkmar Falk qualified at the University of Bonn Medical School, where he also obtained his doctorate. He completed his residency at the Department of Cardiac Surgery of the Heart Center Leipzig, where he was also a senior surgeon. In 2014 he was appointed Professor and Chair of the Division of Cardiovascular Surgery at the Charite Berlin and became the director of the DHZB Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery in Berlin. In late 2018 he was appointed professor for Translational Cardiovascular Technologies at the ETH, Zurich. His main areas of current research are endoscopic and minimally invasive cardiac surgery and image guided transcatheter therapies.