The EACTS Aortic Forum – Abstract Submission

The 3rd EACTS Aortic Forum will take place in Prague, Czech Republic from 18-20 June 2025.

You are invited to submit an abstract on one of the following topics:

  • Root
  • Arch
  • Dissection
  • Descending/TEVAR

Abstracts will not be accepted unless they are submitted according to the format and instructions described below, and submitted using the online system no later than Friday 11 April 2025.

Authors of accepted abstracts will be asked to submit their full papers to EJCTS.  All submissions will be subject to peer review and therefore no guarantee of acceptance.

Instructions to authors

Please follow the instructions given on-line, otherwise your abstract cannot be selected for review. A summary of the guidelines are as follows:

  • The abstract language is English
  • The template provided is the only format accepted – eacts-academy16x9-slide-master
  • There should be no more than 8 authors
  • Since the abstracts will be judged anonymously, the text may not reveal the institutional affiliation
  • Please note that it is not possible to make any corrections to the abstract content or information (such as Presenter details, authors list etc). In order to correct your abstract you must withdraw it and and submit a new corrected version prior to the deadline. Note that, such replacement of the abstract is not possible after the deadline.  In the case of errors in your abstract discovered after the deadline, you may indicate the correction during the presentation at the Forum.

Oral presentations

A maximum of 7 slides is allowed

  • Slide 1: Title & ID; the first slide contains the Title of the presentation and also the Abstract ID from the online submission site

Do not use the “Enter” button in your title. This action will add hard returns, which are not allowed

Do not use abbreviations in the title. Abbreviations may be used in the following slides

Do not end the title with a period (.)

Do not use quotation marks in a title (” “)

The title must not be CAPS. Do not bolditalicize, underline,superscript or subscript any items in the title.

  • Slide 2: Background and study objective (maximum 8 bullet points)
  • Slide 3: Patients (if applicable); maximum 8 bullet points
  • Slide 4: Methods (maximum 8 bullet points)
  • Slide 5: Results 1 (can include Text, Table, Graph, image, but no videos)
  • Slide 6: Results 2 (if necessary, a second slide with results is allowed)
  • Slide 7: Conclusion (only text. maximum 5 bullet points)

Video presentations

  • Authors are requested to submit the abstract of their film electronically and to UPLOAD a copy of their film for review within the abstract submission programme. The film should be no longer than 8 minutes. Sound is acceptable but not necessary. However, live narration by the principal surgeon is a requirement of participation.
  • Films should be essentially technical movies
  • Avoid time-consuming sequences showing conventional approaches and cannulations (cardiac surgery). Specific approach should be briefly demonstrated only in very particular cases (e.g. minimally invasive, etc)
  • Indicate clearly the view that is being shown, e.g. surgeon’s view (as seen by the surgeon), overhead view, or view from the patient’s head
  • When it is difficult to identify the details or orientation of a surgical view, an explanatory drawing may be helpful and should be shown within the video just before the operative view
  • Should an author wish to report results of series, the video itself should be shortened to 5 minutes and ‘slides’ incorporated in the film (not shown on separate projector)

Technical information:

  • Filesize must not exceed 150MB per Abstract
  • Allowed Files are: a) .mpg  b) .mov c) .wmv  d) .mp4
  • Films should be uploaded during the abstract submission process.

Please contact our technicians for queries regarding the media files:

Abstracts will not be accepted unless they are submitted according to the format and instructions described previously, and submitted using the online system no later than Friday 11 April 2025.

EACTS Submission Conditions:

The audio-visual recording of the scientific presentations will be the property of the EACTS.
Authors will be notified in writing in May 2025 if the committee has accepted their abstract(s).


EACTS requires authors to disclose any commercial associations that might pose a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted abstract.