Andrzej Kutarki
Andrzej Kutarki graduated in 1972 as a medical doctor at the Medical University of Lublin, Poland. University. In 1981 he obtained his masters degree in internal diseases and graduated as a cardiologist in 1986. After finishing his residency in Cardiology Department in University Hospital in Lublin, Andrzej completed his training in pacemaker and ICD implantation. Since 1998, he has also been involved in cerdiac resynchronization and management of lead related complications. Since 2006 and until now, he is a professor at the Department of Cardiology Medical University of Lublin Poland. His current research interests include management of CIED related complications and transvenous lead extraction. He has personally performed 4,100 lead extraction procedures and has the largest single-center TLE database. He has 267 publications in PUBMED.