Editor’s Choice: A reinterpretation of SAVR vs TAVR trials
This month’s episode features Sam Heuts, the first author of a recent Editor’s Choice article published in ICVTS entitled ‘TAVR vs. SAVR – A Bayesian interpretation’. Our hosts, Can Gollmann-Tepeköylü and Miia L Lehtinen, find out more about the analysis of trials comparing transcatheter valve replacement and surgical aortic valve replacement. Including discussions of the fundamental statistics used and the effect upon 5-year all-cause mortality.

Guest speaker:

Sam Heuts | Resident in Cardiothoracic Surgery, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Maastricht University Medical Center, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Sam was born and raised in Maastricht, The Netherlands, were he acquired his medical degree in 2014, after which he pursued a PhD in Cardiothoracic Surgery (pre-operative planning of minimally invasive mitral valve surgery). Since January 2020, he is a resident-in-training at the department of Cardiothoracic Surgery in Maastricht. His research interests comprise peri-operative myocardial injury (awarded with a Dutch Heart Foundation personal grant), minimally invasive surgery, and research methodology (specifically Bayesian statistics).