Torsten Doenst
Torsten Doenst graduated in 1995 as a medical doctor at the Georg-August-University in Goettingen, Germany. He received his board certification in cardiac surgery in 2003 after completing his residency at the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery at the University of Freiburg, Germany. During his residency, he completed a research fellowship in the laboratory of Heinrich Taegtmeyer, M.D., D.Phil in the Division of Cardiology at the University of Texas and a clinical fellowship in the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery at the Toronto General Hospital under Dr. Tirone E. David. He received his habilitation (highest German academic degree in medicine) in 2004 and was appointed as Full Professor (Heisenberg-Professor, assigned by the German Research Foundation (DFG)) at the University of Leipzig with a focus on cardiac metabolism in 2007. He has been the chairman of the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena since 2010. His primary interests are minimally invasive cardiac surgery and the mechanisms of the treatment of coronary artery disease. He is the member of many Cardiac Societies, is active in committee work and received several prizes and awards. He is active in enforcing academic/scientific competence in cardiac surgery and is currently the congress president of the upcoming national meeting of the German Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery.