Peter Verbrugghe
Peter Verbrugghe graduated in 2007 as medical doctor at KULeuven. In 2013 he obtained a master degree in health care and hospital management and graduated as a general surgeon in 2014 at KU Leuven. After finishing his residency in cardiac surgery, he completed a training focused on aortic valve repair, Ross procedure and aortic surgery at Cleveland Clinic, Montreal Heart Institute and Institut Mutualiste Montsouris Paris. He obtained a PhD degree in biomedical sciences in 2018 with a thesis on new strategies in the treatment of aortic aneurysms.
Since 2016, he is staff member of the Department of Cardiac Surgery at the University Hospitals Leuven. Peter Verbrugghe is consultant in the cardiac surgery department of Imelda Hospital Bonheiden and ZOL Genk. He is also associate professor at the Department of Cardiovascular Sciences, Faculty of Medicine at KU Leuven.
His clinical and research activity is focused on minimal invasive valvular surgery and enhanced recovery after cardiac surgery. There is a specific competence in mitral valve repair, aortic valve repair, Ross procedure and aortic surgery.